Sunday, July 4, 2010

Our New View

   I am a grown-ass man.  I follow rules and in my adult life, I am relatively responsible.  I do live under a curfew and I will have friends and aquaintences over to my home, whenever I feel compelled.
   These were not such common liberties in the dorms of University of the Philippines Los Banos.  It's not that we felt the rules unjust, just that we, Justin McKinley and Elyse Kraussman and myself, thought ourselves competent to make our own rules and regulate them ourselves.

  So we moved.

  We now live on the 5th Floor of One Silangan Place, with a view....

  We can see to Laguna de Bay, and at night we see the lights of Southside Manila... Pretty nice diggs.

  Also, the rent is cheaper and we are closer to all of our courses... with the exception of Justin's ballroom dance course that's right across the street from the old dorm.  Sorry J.

  With this familiar, yet still new found independence, this new place is starting to really feel like home.  We cook, we keep it cleanish and we all get along pretty well.

   I enjoy coming home and feeling the breeze more prevalant as I ascend the flights of stairs.  Did I mention the view??!!!

   Common amenenties include our individual fans that come in handy except for the morning.  For in the morning there is no stopping the piercing fiery heat that is the Tropical Rising Sun.  And it comes straight through the east facing windows.... Downfall = waking up in an oven around 7 am.

   A small price to pay for the feeling of "Home."

   More to come!!



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