Sunday, July 4, 2010

No more abandonment....

   Looking back to the last post, I realize that I've left a lot to be speculated on.... Or at least somethings to wonder about.  I feel like I've left some of you in the dark.  I really need to keep myself more accountable.

   For the lack of posting, I apologize.

   If there were anything that might suffice as a valid excuse, it would be this:  There has been so much to do, see and experience!!  I've done my best so far to keep it visually recorded, and these next few posts promise to inform and shed some light for those of you left in the preverbal dark.

   Not keeping my posts up-to-date has also brought the realization that keeping it all in my head is an impossibility.  So, there may be some patchwork thought processes going into the next few updates.... Bear with me!!

   As for video footage.... I have begun filming with the Sony HVR-A1U (review), and have been working on the tutorials provided by Final Cut Studio Student Edition in conglomeration with a brand-new 15" Macbook Pro (review)... Both are gorgeous machines and I feel so blessed to have such capability at my fingertips... Thank you to each and everyone of you that has helped me to realise the dream, thus far.

   You all know who you are!!!

   This all said.... I am very open to constructive suggestions for keeping myself more accountable to updating the blog.

   For those far from me, and those in close proximity... I'll do my best, from now on to keep it real and tell you all the experiences on 'The Phlip Side.'  



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