Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Packing, Leaving, Mash-Up of Final Preparations

Note the time. Laundry, packing, final gear purchases, emotions running high. (Good) byes. I leave in several hours for Phoenix. I haven't seen my father, brother, step-fam, in-laws, nephew in over a year and five months. Miss them.

I'm so excited to visit, if only for a few days. I get to share with them all of the exciting buzz that has developed in the last year and a half, that most of you have been privy to. I also get to say goodbye.

Goodbye is not the right word. See ya soon? A bit cliche, but sufficient. See ya when I see ya, a bit pretentious. How about, 'Be back sooner than later?' Whatever.

I'm going to miss you all, more than some of you know, or rather more than I let on. I just don't have time or the capacity to convey all the emotion in these final hours before departure. If you've ever meant something to me, you know it already. You will all be missed dearly. I have a heart big enough for you all, and then some.

Thanks for the fond wishes, support, love and blessings. None of it taken for granted. I've got some really incredible friends and family that care about me, and that's a really great feeling. Thank you.

I've gotta get back to the grinding grind of getting ready. Till next time, sooner than later....


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