Saturday, May 22, 2010

From the Valley of the Sun

Feeling the heat, with early Monday morning 36 hours around the corner. Thus far, Arizona has been a dream as always. Always cut short, surreal.

It's gorgeous out here. My Dad and step family always making me feel like home is out here. The food is great, or so they said so after I cooked this evening. (It was.)

The sun is 100 degrees hot, and dry like the wind. I pace myself in the morning, not wanting to overheat, 4-5 miles or trying to outrun the sunrise. It never works. No sweat, just exhaustion. It's like an oven, but a really inviting one, like the gingerbread house oven in Hanzel and Gretel.

Got almost all of the essential gear necessary for six months abroad, and for shooting a documentary while there. Sans the gear en route to Dad's place, then shipped once again, back to Asia from here. Ridiculous.

Anyway, here's some pics from Phoenix/Scottsdale. Hope you all enjoy. I'm loving the G11 PowerShot from Canon, btw. Still got to figure out how to get the damn time stamp to go away, though.

Out for now.


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