Saturday, May 29, 2010

I'm here, I'm safe, I'm hot, I'm loving it.

To no surprise to anyone who's ever been to the Philippines before typhoon season, in May, I am sweating as I write.

I arrived on a late evening flight to Manila on Tuesday.  I spent some quality time in customs (1hr) and waiting for my luggage (45min.), (left baggage at home).  I was met outside the airport with an extremely balmy and smog filled evening, as well as University of the Philippines Los Banos official and driver.

We drove through the insane slow shutter flash of traffic, that is Manila, and made it Los Banos 35 miles and 2 hours later.

Made it my dorm, where I was greeted with the familiar face of Justin, another MSU student, who's here to broaden the perspective.  

It was late, or was that the jet lag?

I've been out in Los Banos, meeting people, getting to know my roommate and eating great food ever since.  Details to come, but here's some sweet pics for you all.  = )