Monday, July 7, 2008

Vacation: A step in the right direction?

Returning from the wilderness where Mother Nature truly rules, I find myself in a place that has always been explained, but never quite understood. I spent but three days in the hills, ridges, hollers of West Virginia, and I can truly say I have a better perspective of where I rate in this world of ours. Very low in the scheme of things. We take for granted the world we live in. I do at least. I always knew there was so much out there to see and do, but new experiences and people really bring my thoughts into perspective.
Some may call it the simple life, I call it true compassion and understanding of how to be happy. I found that being genuinely nice to people and enjoying life no matter what it gives you are two very important keys to enjoyment and happiness. I learned that Mother Nature is not out to get us, but that she simply is bigger than we are and we can live with her if we respect her.
When we arrived on Bug Ridge in Sutton, I was anxious. I was at a family event and out of my Ann Arbor element. It was not my family, and when I go on vacation, I'm usually not too far from a city. I've always appreciated the great outdoors and nature, but I've never really the opportunity to experience it like I did this long weekend. I've always thought myself to be a pretty laid back guy and generally friendly.
I don't think it's possible to explain in words the demeanor of people in our Mason-Dixon friendly states, but I love them all. Some of the nicest people in the world. I was adopted into a group of friends and family that will remember my name and accept me into their homes forever. They didn't tell me this, but they don't have to. They really just care about other people that much. Wish there were more of those kind of people here in Ann Arbor. Oh well, at least I have something to strive for as far as my own human interactions go. Thanks WV!
As far as being out in the wilderness goes; there are entire worlds out there that many people are not fortunate enough to experience. I'm very happy to have been able to fully take in the outdoor adventure experiences I've been a afforded, but I know I haven't even seen the the tip of the iceberg. Maybe an icecube. Maybe a half melted icecube. Either way, I want more. I want to live simple and be outside in the rain, in a lake, on a river, in the woods, on a rock face, in the mountains, in a holler (valley), amongst the most pristine and raw nature. Simply beautiful. The West Virginia Department of Transportation is spot on their license plates. Wild! Wonderful!

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