Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I'm feeling smooth?

I'm not sure what I'm feeling. Actually, maybe I'm feeling really comfortable and I don't know why. Am I getting used to, or rather, okay with the way life is? Not worrying about what happens on a moment by moment timeline? Who really cares what I'm feeling? The only one who knows is me and I guess I'm alright with that. I'm feelin' smooth then. There, I said it. Yeah, smoooooth. Like creamy Nutella. Like cold enough, but warm enough cream cheese. Right before it gets sloppy on an overly hot bagel. Maybe I'm hungry. Maybe it's just that I came inside from a brisk summer night. I had a good time talking to friends about randomness and nothing and having it all mean something. Telling stories and relating to each other and none of it mattering, but just the fact that we enjoy each other's company. That might be what cool is. Nice.
Should I be in bed or just sit up and think about all that I should be doing? When is the point at which someone decides that they are going to make a change, and then does it? When the action becomes the word. That is where I'm at right about now. So, I gotta go. Make a change and do it for no one but yourself. Make yourself happy, then share that happiness. Love yourself, then you can share love with someone else. Right? How about; 'Give without cause. Love without fear.' ? I'm gonna try it all and maybe I'll live to tell about it. Till then...

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