Sunday, July 27, 2008

summer summer summer time

I always thought the summer was supposed to be the best time of the year. I never knew why, i never asked. I kind of just assumed it was and went with it. Now that I think back, I can't recall a summer like this one. This time around, I think I've finally got it right after 27 years. Summer is time to be care free and just love life. Not making excuses, trying new things, doing things on a whim, living like there is no tomorrow. Going for broke at a moments notice, every moment. Finding myself, finding good friends and keeping them. Keeping it real, and seeing life for what it is. Theme for the summer, you only live once. Starting new relationships, keeping old ones alive. Being on top my life, but not really thinking about it. Just doing whatever it is at the time that makes me happy. Being happy to be alive, to live, to love everything around me. I hope I can take this new found glory into the rest of the seasons of my life. Damn, what a great perspective. Where did it come from? I have no idea, but I'm not gonna ask questions. Why did I never live life like this before? Who cares! Stay up late, get up early, don't miss a second, sleep in and be happy about it. If you think you should be doing something, just do it. Don't ask questions, just live. Be genuine, be real, be happy. Love yourself. Love life. Don't take anything for granted, embrace all that is, for what it is. Don't try to change a thing. See things for what they are, and then look again. They're always changing. Find new perspective, but don't hold on to it. Be excited that it might change tomorrow. Strive for new experience, live in the day baby!

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