Friday, August 13, 2010

shape U.P.... My first filmed, edited, directed and produced....

  This is the first of many to come.  A warm-up if you will.  I think I've found my niche/calling, what have you.  No, I have.  I loved every moment of this.

  This is a project for my humanities course (HUM 2) at the University of the Philippines, Los Banos (UPLB).  The project was to show a human artistic performance by our class section.

  We completed the filming on a Monday morning over about 2 hours.  The editing took about 3 days.  I realized at one point during the process, that this is the kind of stuff I had better get used to for the rest of my life.  And, I liked that feeling.

  Thank you to all that have thus far supported me and given me the encouragement to get out and do it.


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