Friday, December 10, 2010

Community-based Eco-tourism

  The bottom-up approach, as is applies to ecotourism, can keep the local community involved, and thriving.

  Having wished we had the opportunity sooner, to meet with Gerry Ortega, of Puerto Princesa, Palawan, was our first lament.  None would follow.

  Gerry is a resident of Puerto Princesa City, has been a previous politician in the Philippines and now works with a national broadcasting company in the Philippines, ABS-CBN.  Gerry has successfully developed and implemented five community-based, bottom-up approach ecotourism projects, here in Palawan.

  Before the attached video interview was produced, Gerry sat with myself and colleagues, to discuss how his projects have been successful, and graciously doled out advice for developing our own road map to success.

  Gerry explained that most efficient way to implement an eco-tourism project, in his experience, is to use a bottom-up approach.  An approach that starts at the base level, the community members.  Using local community advisors to keep tabs on the projects and the directly involved, site members, management and success of the projects, comes naturally.

  Gerry's community advisors help to educate, motivate, and delegate.  They don't have a set 9-5 schedule, and many weeks, work overtime... without pay.  They get pride from the sense of community they instill, and joy from the faces of satisfied visitors.  These projects begin at the hearts, and endure because of the passion of many.

  It was inspiring to see the community members, at Ugong Rock, working without pay and with smiles, because they knew the work they were doing would pay off in the end.  They believed in their hard work, paying off.  No bosses, no time cards, no schedule.  Just compelled work ethic.



1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    My name is Anaïs, I am french student currently in 3rd year of my geography degree, and studying as an exchange student at Otago university in Dunedin, New Zealand.
    In my university in France we have 2 years in France and the third one is abroad.
    During this year abroad we will be studying for 5 months and then we have a 16 weeks internship. It is that’s why I contact you about the ecotourism project in Palawan, Philippines. Do you have more information do give me as I like to do this kind of intership.

    My courses in France helped me acquiring knowledge related to environment and ecology such as rural development, urban planning, as well as natural resources, habitat management, forestry and agriculture. Many courses we attended were performed by non-academic lecturer and professional coming from different fields. Therefore I fell very concerned about environmental issues and conservation of species and their natural habitat related to sociology and community development.

    Concerning my experience in environmental work, last school year I had the opportunity to work 8 weeks in a care center for wild animal in France. This was based on a non-government organization. It was a lot about biodiversity conservation.

    During this time I also worked on a special program of bird conservation established from more than 20 years with a national association of wildlife protection, and biodiversity conservation (LPO). I here helped with the environmental planning and management of specific endangered bird species and their reintroduction into the wild, regarding to the local communities.

    From October 2011 to march 2012 (in university context) I've worked with 3 classmates on a special event called "the week of sustainable development" in our town. We had to design and create an mockup and an animation for children and adults, in the objective to raise awareness about water. Then we spent 2 days animation the stand and playing our activities and games we created with visitors in the goal of education and communication to raise awareness of the public about an environmental issue.

    I fell very attracted about wild animal, especially with endangered species, that why for my 2nd year report I chose the reintroduction of the Przewalski horses into Mongolia and their cohabitation with local communities. I've worked a lot on this 100 pages report that I have presented last may to a jury and have had a excellent feedback from the jury.

    I am studying at Otago University from july to november. My courses are Environmental Management, Animal Biology and Understanding environmental issues.

    Concerning my internship I have a minimum stay of 16 weeks. As it is a part of my university third year in France I have a 100 pages thesis to write at the end of this experience about a specific problematic I have to raise.

    What I am looking for for my internship

    The conservation of species and their natural habitat related to sociology and community development.
    It will be about the management of an environmental project regarding the the conservation of natural resource of a country and how can we work with local communities while developing eco-tourism. (Environmental manager of a specific area)
    I was wondering if would have any position available for the kind of internship I am looking for.
    I am very reliable and motivated on this internship, I have a 100pages thesis to write and present to a jury after this experience.
    I could start working from JANUARY 2014 to end of APRiL 2014.

    I have joined my curriculum vitae as you can have an overview of different experiences. Please let me know if you have any questions or need other informations.
    Thanks for your time and consideration
    I hope to hear soon from you.
    Warmest Regards,
