Friday, December 10, 2010

Community-based Eco-tourism

  The bottom-up approach, as is applies to ecotourism, can keep the local community involved, and thriving.

  Having wished we had the opportunity sooner, to meet with Gerry Ortega, of Puerto Princesa, Palawan, was our first lament.  None would follow.

  Gerry is a resident of Puerto Princesa City, has been a previous politician in the Philippines and now works with a national broadcasting company in the Philippines, ABS-CBN.  Gerry has successfully developed and implemented five community-based, bottom-up approach ecotourism projects, here in Palawan.

  Before the attached video interview was produced, Gerry sat with myself and colleagues, to discuss how his projects have been successful, and graciously doled out advice for developing our own road map to success.

  Gerry explained that most efficient way to implement an eco-tourism project, in his experience, is to use a bottom-up approach.  An approach that starts at the base level, the community members.  Using local community advisors to keep tabs on the projects and the directly involved, site members, management and success of the projects, comes naturally.

  Gerry's community advisors help to educate, motivate, and delegate.  They don't have a set 9-5 schedule, and many weeks, work overtime... without pay.  They get pride from the sense of community they instill, and joy from the faces of satisfied visitors.  These projects begin at the hearts, and endure because of the passion of many.

  It was inspiring to see the community members, at Ugong Rock, working without pay and with smiles, because they knew the work they were doing would pay off in the end.  They believed in their hard work, paying off.  No bosses, no time cards, no schedule.  Just compelled work ethic.
