Monday, June 30, 2008

Waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and...

Waiting, the final frontier. Or is it the inevitable frontier. What do we wait for? Why do we wait? I would rather just do and see what happens. I've learned that without careful, or rather any thought whatsoever, just doing produces unpredictable results. I'd like to say that I can handle unpredictability, but I also enjoy stability. Is this a fine line? Sure, so a delicate balance between the two is something I strive for. Or, am I waiting for it. I guess if I'm not actively pusuing my wants, my dreams with reckless abandon, I'm waiting for it all to just plop right down in my lap. Life, as I have experienced does not work that way. You can't always get what you want, but if you keep waiting for it, you may never get anything at all.
Fate and destiny now come into view. What is the point of trying to get what we want, when, for those of us who believe in fate and destiny, life is going to happen regardless of what we do or want? Is the stability knowing that life will continue to occur at whatever pace, and with whichever events, on a cosistant basis? Is life really like a giant choose your own adventure book? Make this decision and this is what happens. Is the end always the same? (yeah, death sure, but I mean where we end up right before) I'm not looking for the meaning of life here, I'm simply contemplating a rough blueprint for living ones life.
I suppose advice from the wise one's is best for now. Live each day like it was my last. Do the right thing always. Be the best person I can be? Sounds like a plan for now. Don't worry or think about tomorrow or yesterday. Live now, for the day and the rest is going to fall into place. It's like doing a jigsaw puzzle with a blindfold. Without the blindfold you are constanly seeing progress or delcine, you are constantly looking at the pieces and can easily be overwhelmed. We will always be thinking of how far we've come and how far we have to go. With a blindfold though, you only know by touch, or a feeling that a piece fits. You don't know how far you are, or far you have to go. It's a slow process that you only know is progressing when a piece fits. Hmm, that's nice to think about.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My first blog...

Hello world (wide web),

I hate trying to use the tab on the keyboard and not getting an indent. That out of the way, this is my first blog. I am a firm believer in the intimate use of hand-written literature in order to get a message across. Call me old-fashioned, call me what you will, an online conformist would be new. Maybe not though. I guess I'm on face-book, I have e-mail, I do a lot online, but not often? Not sure what I am, where I'm going, what I'm doing, or what life leads to. I just think this is neat. I can now put my life and thoughts onto a world stage and get feedback I suppose. The best part is that I get to be as impersonal as I want, and I be as personal as I please. I did say neat. I don't know what cool is, and awesome may too over the top. So, neat it is. So far, so good. Let's not ruin a good thing then. Till next time...