Sunday, November 21, 2010

Promo/preview of the Palawan doc...

  Hi everyone.  Yeah, it seems time has gotten away once again!  Sorry.  Well, I'm here and am once again posting.  Hope you all got the message I sent out, pleading you check out the video.

(Also, apologies to those who I told this would be here when I did.... Net conx is weak here... Priorities don't entail 4-hours sitting and waiting....)

  The video is just a promo/preview of the doc-film, that has been officially in the works for the last month, or so.  We are showing this to the stake holders, here on the island (Palawan), in hopes that they will jump on board to see it through, after we leave.  Fingers are crossed.

  I'm hoping the video answers any questions you have all been thinking or wondering about this internship turned job/life-long side project.  That's right, I plan to see this through till the end.  I finally found a niche within my niche, to hold on to tight.

  We're the driving force behind the project right now, the motivators as we see it.  But, we've been extremely fortunate to have met some incredibly motivated and most wonderful people that we are trusting to take the reigns and run, as our departure from paradise looms closer, later this year.

  Wish us luck!  More updates will surely come your way.....


You can also check it out Here on my FaceBook page, or Here on YouTube